Mar 18, 2008


17hb Mac - First day after school break. Pagi Isnin aku bangun sebelum subuh seperti biasa tapi hari ni aku rasa lain sikit. Kepala rasa berat dan berdenyut2. Bila sayang rasa dahi aku, dia terkejut dia cakap panas. Sahhh demam. Sayang tak benarkan aku keje ari ni, dia risau camana aku nak drive pi keje, Lenggong - Sri Iskandar bukannya dekat ambil masa satu jam setengah gak journey. Lepas smyang Subuh aku call Kak Lia, kakak angkat aku gbtahu aku MC hari ni pastuh terus tido balik. Pukul 10 lebih Sayang kejutkan bangun utk breakfast. Lerrr ruapanya dia pun mintak leave gak nak jaga abang dia nih. Hehehehehe Sayang gak dia kat abang dia ni yea. Lepas Zuhur aku ajak sayang pi klinik kat Pekan Lenggong. Banyak gak Dr. tuh bagi ubat ermmmmmm

Lepas maghrib aku mintak kebenaran dari sayang nak drive balik ke Sri Iskandar. Mula2 tuh susah gak dia nak bagi green light tapi selepas aku bagi reason napa dia terus setuju. Dalam pukul 9.30 malam aku selamat sampai kat Sri Iskandar.

Artikel yang sempat aku search berkenaan flu.

Q. Do I Have the Flu?

A. Unfortunately, the reason the flu is so easily spread is because it's contagious for up to four days before symptoms appear and for another three or four days after the first symptoms are felt. The symptoms of the flu or influenza start very quickly and include:
Body aches
Dry cough
Extreme fatique and/or weakness
Sore throat
Stuffy nose
Fortuantely, the high fever that typically accompanies the onset of the flu begins to decrease about the third day. Symptoms such as nausea and diarhhea almost never occur when the flu is present. When you hear someone say they have a "stomach flu" they do not have influenza.
Source: The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAD)

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